Louis Vuitton Fake
 Handbags Bucket Bags Black Monogram Reverse Canvas Mini M82886

Louis Vuitton Fake Handbags Bucket Bags Black Monogram Reverse Canvas Mini M82886

Special grade NOE PURSE handbag M82886 black leather
Mini bucket bag siomai bag series, a modern and exquisite NOE PURSE presented in Monogram Reverse canvas material. A specially produced item by designer Nicola Jaskier to commemorate the fashion show in South Korea. The compact design is reminiscent of the “luck bag”, a traditional Korean pocket that symbolizes good fortune. Details such as hoops and trunk-inspired metal corners feature the inherent sensibility of the house. A luxurious bag for everyday looks and evening wear. As a limited edition, the product can now only be purchased online.
Model: M82886 black leather
Size: 11.5*11.5*11.5cm
$122.00 $163.00
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